
As a volunteer webspinner for www.maps.org, I built and configured  
htdig 3.1.2 on a FreeBSD box to run from:


Even though rundig produced some nice sized db's:

-rw-r--r--  1 maps  maps  3683328 Jul  6 11:49 db.docdb
-rw-r--r--  1 maps  maps    45056 Jul  6 11:49 db.docs.index
-rw-r--r--  1 maps  maps  2859704 Jul  6 11:49 db.wordlist
-rw-r--r--  1 maps  maps  3497984 Jul  6 11:49 db.words.db

htsearch refuses to find any matches, even though these words appear  
many times in the db's.

However, htsearch is finding the db's because if change the name of  
the db directory, I get an error.

So - if you have any suggestions on what might be causing this, or a  
way to debug the htsearch, please reply to me directly at  

Thank you!

 Andrew Stone, QuixMaster of Stone Design Corp
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (505) 345-4800
    http://www.stone.com - Create(TM)
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