According to Ronald Niederhagen:
>Hi everybody,
>I am using ht://Dig 3.1.0b2 since about one week. This is the version
>that comes with SUSE Linux 6.1.
>It works just great out of the box without major changes!!!
>There is one small issue that I could not resolve:
>When I search for a word like "log-file" where the word has a "-"
>then the tool actually looks for "logfile".
>Both htdig and htsearch seem to strip off the "-" and consequently
>indexing and search are consistent.
>However, the string "logfile" does not appear in the actual text, and
>therefore I get the message
>"(None of the search words were found in the top of this document.)"
>although there was a hit in the particular document and the
>string "log-file" was in the first few lines of the document.
>Is there a way to configure that behavior?
>Ideally I would like ht://Dig not to skip characters such as -_.
>because searching for a version number also becomes a problem when
>these characters are simply ignored.
>I have tried extra_word_characters but my version of ht://Dig seems to
>ignore that.
>Thanks for the help!



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