Well, thanks for your answers.

When trying to use something like c:\tmp... or c:\\tmp... or "c:\tmp..." the
result is "c:tmphtdigbinparse_doc.pl: no such device or address" ;)

Well, I'll try to modify the source.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Cole
Sent: 13.07.99 07:18
Subject: Re: [htdig] Problem calling external programs

Heid Joern wrote:

> external_parsers: application/msword /tmp/htdig/bin/parse_doc.pl \
>                   application/postscript /tmp/htdig/bin/parse_doc.pl \
>                   application/pdf /tmp/htdig/bin/parse_doc.pl
> the output of htdig is
> 1:2:0:http://www.integraliscentaur.de/test.pdf:
> not found
> I tried with c:/tmp... and with \\ instead of / with no success.

Have you tried something like   application/msword
"c:\tmp\htdig\bin\parse_doc.pl"    ?

I have no idea whether that will solve your current problem, but in the
past I
have encountered situations where quoting a DOS-ish path was the only
way I
could get a functional command line argument passed in while using a
bash shell.


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