i'm running 3.1.1. on RH5.2...

i have a strange problem with one PDF file, which won't index...ps2ascii
generates a bunch of errors to do with file position errors...the file
is  about 1.7Mb big...a bit of debugging code shows that the temp file
being pulled back by htdig is *exactly* 100000 bytes, which seems a bit
suspicious...and explains the file psition error, presumably...as far as
i can see, the temp file IS the first 100k of the actual file, but i
don't understand why it hasnt pulled the whole thing back...

100k is curiously the limit i've set in max_head_length, butcan't see
how the one should affect the other, and besides changining
max_head_length doesnt change the size of the retrieved file...

the server its connecting to is running apache 1.3.4, and a manual get
of the file via HTTP returns a correctly size file...

whats going on here? feature or bug? if the former, is there anyway i
can change the temp file size, and/or make gs happy?

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