
We are implementing htdig (v3.1.2 + the patch kit on Solaris 2.6) on our 
main web server. One comment we have had is that there are alot of 
duplicate search results pointing to the same web pages. This is usually 
caused by having several different Unix symbolic links pointing to the 
same directory/file in the web document tree.

Is there any way we can prevent the indexing of these duplicates? I see 
from the mailing list archives that for previous versions of htdig there 
were patches to fix this issue but they are not available for the current 

I see from the bug database the latest advice is to eliminate symbolic 
links - however for many practical reasons it is not possible for us to 
do this.

Is it for example possible to configure htdig to index our URLs via the 
filesystem instead of HTTP (i.e using local_urls) and to ignore the 
symbolic links?

How are people on the list working round this problem? Or is this an 
unresolved bug I will need to (re)log with the htdig developers?



"Animal? No, worse - human!", Manny - "Runaway Train"
Nick O'Brien                        Phone: +44 118 931 8432
Computer Officer                    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reading University, UK              Web: http://www.rdg.ac.uk/~suq98ngo/

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