I forgot the enclose the index.html.
Here it is:
<TITLE>Oracle Web Application Server 3.0</TITLE>
<!-- Created by: Randy Hodge, 28-Aug-1995 -->
<!-- Changed by: Shehzaad Nakhoda,  7-Feb-1996 -->
<!-- Changed by: Mala Anand,  8-Feb-1996 -->
<!-- Modifed by: Randy Hodge, 11-Sep-1995 -->
<!-- Changed by: Brian Zuzga, 14-Feb-1996 -->
<!-- Changed by: Magnus M. Lonnroth, 18-Mar-1996 -->
<!-- Changed by: Mala Anand, 27-Mar-1996 -->
<!-- Changed by: Shehzaad Nakhoda, 2-May-1996 -->
<!-- Changed by: Raymond Ng, 16-Oct-1996 -->
<BODY background="/ows-img/orhmbkgn.jpg" link="#BB0000" vlink="#BB0000">
<tr><td width=560>
<IMG SRC = "/ows-img/ows.gif" width=560 height=116 ALT="Oracle Web Application Server">

<font color="#BB0000">
<EM>Welcome to Your<br>Oracle Web Application Server Home Page!</EM>



<strong><font size=+2>C</font>ongratulations on choosing Oracle's Web Application 
Server 3.0!</strong> It combines the power of Oracle7 with World Wide Web versatility 
to deliver a whole new generation of dynamic Web applications.  Take a moment to read 
the release notes, view the on-line documentation, visit Oracle's corporate web site, 
even browse partner's products!</strong>


<!-- Link to Administration Page will be created at install time.) -->

<table width="99%">

<td align=center valign=center>
<A HREF = "release.html">
<img src="/ows-img/icnrelnt.gif" width=64 height=64 alt="Release Notes" border=0><br>
<h5>Release Notes</h5></a>

<td align=center valign=center>
<A HREF = "/ows-adoc/oin/index.htm">
<img src="/ows-img/64docs.gif" width=64 height=64 alt="On-Line Docs" border=0><br>
<h5>On-Line Docs</h5></a>


<td align=center valign=center>

<A HREF = "http://www.oracle.com/">
<img src="/ows-img/64orclmv.gif" width=64 height=64 alt="Oracle Site" border=0><br>
<h5>Oracle Site</h5></a>

<td align=center valign=center>
<A HREF = "http://www.olab.com/partners">
<img src="/ows-img/64prtnrs.gif" width=64 height=64 alt="Partners" border=0><br>



<font size=+2>F</font>or technical support, contact <a 
href="http://www.oracle.com/support">Oracle's Worldwide Support Organization</a> where 
you can find Free support, Web-based support and other services.  For the latest 
information regarding the Web Application Server and other Internet Server products 
from Oracle, go to <a href="http://www.olab.com/">www.olab.com</a>.
<p><hr width=85%>
<tr><td align=center valign=center>
<a href="http://www.oracle.com/st/products/was/">
<img src="/ows-img/owasani3.gif" border=no width=46 height=46><br>
<font size=2><b>Powered by Oracle<br>Web Application Server</font></b></td>
<td width=400 align=right valign=center>
<img src="/ows-img/about_rsalogo.gif" align=right alt="RSA Logo">
<font size=1>This product includes security software from RSA Data Security, Inc.<br>
Copyright (c) 1994 RSA Data Security, Inc. All rights reserved. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 09:47:18 -0500 (EST)
From: Frank Guangxin Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [htdig] htdig fail 1

I have problems indexing one site which I can access
without a problem using netscape browser. To narrow down the problem,
I made htdig.conf to
start_url:              http://after05.pdc.cummins.com:8890
limit_urls_to:          ${start_url}

htdig -vvvv gives:

New server: after05.pdc.cummins.com, 8890
Retrieval command for http://after05.pdc.cummins.com:8890/robots.txt: GET
/robots.txt HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: htdig/3.1.3 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Host: after05.pdc.cummins.com

Header line: HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
Header line: Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 14:42:20 GMT
Header line: Allow: GET, HEAD
Header line: Server: Oracle_Web_listener3.
Header line: Content-Type: text/html
Header line: Content-Length: 129
Header line: Cache-Control: public
Header line: 
returnStatus = 1
pick: after05.pdc.cummins.com, # servers = 1
0:0:0:http://after05.pdc.cummins.com:8890/: Retrieval command for
http://after05.pdc.cummins.com:8890/: GET / HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: htdig/3.1.3 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Host: after05.pdc.cummins.com

Header line: HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
Header line: Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 14:42:20 GMT
Header line: Allow: GET, HEAD
Header line: Server: Oracle_Web_listener3.
Header line: Content-Type: text/html
Header line: Content-Length: 129
Header line: Cache-Control: public
Header line: 
returnStatus = 1
 not found
pick: after05.pdc.cummins.com, # servers = 1
htdig: Run complete
htdig: 1 server seen:
htdig:     after05.pdc.cummins.com:8890 1 document

htdig: Errors to take note of:
Not found: http://after05.pdc.cummins.com:8890/ Ref: 

I am enclosing the index.html (which I saved from netscape browser)
in case you can find something wrong there.



To unsubscribe from the htdig mailing list, send a message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the single word unsubscribe in
the SUBJECT of the message.
<TITLE>Oracle Web Application Server 3.0</TITLE>
<!-- Created by: Randy Hodge, 28-Aug-1995 -->
<!-- Changed by: Shehzaad Nakhoda,  7-Feb-1996 -->
<!-- Changed by: Mala Anand,  8-Feb-1996 -->
<!-- Modifed by: Randy Hodge, 11-Sep-1995 -->
<!-- Changed by: Brian Zuzga, 14-Feb-1996 -->
<!-- Changed by: Magnus M. Lonnroth, 18-Mar-1996 -->
<!-- Changed by: Mala Anand, 27-Mar-1996 -->
<!-- Changed by: Shehzaad Nakhoda, 2-May-1996 -->
<!-- Changed by: Raymond Ng, 16-Oct-1996 -->
<BODY background="/ows-img/orhmbkgn.jpg" link="#BB0000" vlink="#BB0000">
<tr><td width=560>
<IMG SRC = "/ows-img/ows.gif" width=560 height=116 ALT="Oracle Web Application Server">

<font color="#BB0000">
<EM>Welcome to Your<br>Oracle Web Application Server Home Page!</EM>



<strong><font size=+2>C</font>ongratulations on choosing Oracle's Web Application 
Server 3.0!</strong> It combines the power of Oracle7 with World Wide Web versatility 
to deliver a whole new generation of dynamic Web applications.  Take a moment to read 
the release notes, view the on-line documentation, visit Oracle's corporate web site, 
even browse partner's products!</strong>


<!-- Link to Administration Page will be created at install time.) -->

<table width="99%">

<td align=center valign=center>
<A HREF = "release.html">
<img src="/ows-img/icnrelnt.gif" width=64 height=64 alt="Release Notes" border=0><br>
<h5>Release Notes</h5></a>

<td align=center valign=center>
<A HREF = "/ows-adoc/oin/index.htm">
<img src="/ows-img/64docs.gif" width=64 height=64 alt="On-Line Docs" border=0><br>
<h5>On-Line Docs</h5></a>


<td align=center valign=center>

<A HREF = "http://www.oracle.com/">
<img src="/ows-img/64orclmv.gif" width=64 height=64 alt="Oracle Site" border=0><br>
<h5>Oracle Site</h5></a>

<td align=center valign=center>
<A HREF = "http://www.olab.com/partners">
<img src="/ows-img/64prtnrs.gif" width=64 height=64 alt="Partners" border=0><br>



<font size=+2>F</font>or technical support, contact <a 
href="http://www.oracle.com/support">Oracle's Worldwide Support Organization</a> where 
you can find Free support, Web-based support and other services.  For the latest 
information regarding the Web Application Server and other Internet Server products 
from Oracle, go to <a href="http://www.olab.com/">www.olab.com</a>.
<p><hr width=85%>
<tr><td align=center valign=center>
<a href="http://www.oracle.com/st/products/was/">
<img src="/ows-img/owasani3.gif" border=no width=46 height=46><br>
<font size=2><b>Powered by Oracle<br>Web Application Server</font></b></td>
<td width=400 align=right valign=center>
<img src="/ows-img/about_rsalogo.gif" align=right alt="RSA Logo">
<font size=1>This product includes security software from RSA Data Security, Inc.<br>
Copyright (c) 1994 RSA Data Security, Inc. All rights reserved. 

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