On Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:23:55 -0500 Geoff Hutchison 

> At 11:32 AM +0100 9/30/99, David Adams wrote:
> >would like advice on.  It appears that an "All" search on a search
> >string containing a word in the bad_word_list will fail.  For example, a
> >search on "The Staff Club" finds nothing, while a search on "Staff Club"
> >finds the Staff Club page.  More seriously for us, a search for
> >"New College" fails, while a search on "College" finds the pages on
> >The University of Southampton New College.
> Are you doing these searches including the quotes? What version are you using?
> -Geoff Hutchison
> Williams Students Online
> http://wso.williams.edu/

Version is ht://Dig 3.1.2, sorry I omitted that in original 

The search strings are used without quotes.  Would that 
make a difference?

Try for yourself at http://www.search.soton.ac.uk/soton/

David J. Adams

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