Fred Lindberg wrote:
> Hi,
> [slightly off topic:] I have a cgi script that presents a mailing list
> archive. I use htdig to index. I use the "Cache:" header to control how
> long the page should be cached (some are not changing, but e.g. the
> "last" message and indexes containing the active end of the archive
> change constantly).
> Is there anything I can do in a CGI to avoid that htdig will retry the
> pages which do not change) every time it reindexes? I can't store a
> last changed time (but could make one up). I could send a not-changed
> status code, but it would be nice to make htdig avoid the query in the
> first place.
> Any suggestions welcome. Thanks!
You can try with -l (I'm not sure it's working in latest version):
htdig -l -c ...
with in the db.log file the index url.
htdig will first read all the urls in your database and mark them as
already digged, so it will only retrieve the urls added since its last
run . 
- You will need to recreate the db.log file after each dig


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