At 10:08 AM -0300 9/29/99, Daniel MacKay wrote:
> - On successive, non -i htdigs, is every page downloaded and indexed again?
>   Or just the new ones or changed ones?

Just new and changed ones. It must make a request for every page, but 
it tries hard to avoid downloading and indexing documents again.

> - Does htdig destroy the existing database while it's running?  That is,
>   can htsearch be used on the existing database while htdig is running?
> - Same question for htmerge.

For versions 3.1.x and before, do *not* try to run htsearch on the 
same databases that are being updated with htdig and htmerge. You 
will not get consistent results and you're likely to get nothing back 
from your search results. For "live" databases, you should use the -a 
option to update .work databases and then move them into place when 
you're done.

The 3.2 tree *should* allow updating live databases, but we have not 
made any sort of effort to confirm the reliability of it.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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