> At 12:57 AM -0400 10/6/99, Gabriel Fenteany wrote:
>>soon-to-be final WebTen 3.  They also said that they are following the GNU
>>license for ht://Dig, and the source code for all their work on it is
>>available on their ftp site.  I don't know if any of their tweaks or patches
>>would be useful to the general ht://Dig project, but they certainly seem to
>>be skilled at porting Unix environments stably to the Mac.
> I think they're great at portin Unix environments to the Mac and I
> hope they continue to do great things with Mac OS X (and Server).

Haven't tried it, but heard iTools is pretty good.  I don't want to update
to X until the client version comes out.  I know I shouldn't, but I still to
use the WebTen/ht://Dig server for other Mac apps every once in a while.
It's totally doable, since WebTen, even with ht://Dig zipping away (a dozen
simultaneous htsearches), doesn't even slow down the system noticeably.
Haven't had a crash yet, but...

> I admit I didn't pour through every directory, but I could find the
> source on the FTP site. I'm sure I just missed it. Do you know the
> path?

I didn't check, since I downloaded their binary.  That's what they told me.
I took their word for it.  Want me to e-mail them?  I am sure they're
respect the GNU license, as they seem to be a decent company.

> On a related subject, I grabbed the latest version on the website,
> listed as The ChangeLog and the binary itself indicated that
> it was version 3.1.0b2. Do you have any idea when you'll update to a
> more stable version? Have you had any problems with doing this (or do
> you need any help with porting the changes?)

Is this addressed to me or Tenon?  I don't work for Tenon.  I just started
using their WebTen.  :)

I just grabbed the binary.  I really want the latest ht://Dig for WebTen but
am afraid I am not up to task, experience-wise and time-wise.  The ht://Dig
binary that comes with WebTen (it is included with every download of the
WebTen and iTools package) doesn't include a number of important things we
loved in ht://Dig 3.1.2.

Geoff, if you could help Tenon out so that they could get the latest
ht://Dig into their upcoming final release of WebTen 3.0, I would worship
the ground you walk on!  :)


Gabriel Fenteany

Gabriel Fenteany, Ph.D.
Post-doctoral Fellow &
WWW VL: Cell Biology & Search Engine

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