> > Where could the problem be?  Also, has anyone built and RPM for RH6 for
> > htdig 3.1.3 yet?  I tried converting the 3.1.2 source RPM to be used with
> > 3.1.3, and many of the options aren't configurable with ./configure, or
> > seemingly ignore them.
> Strange.  The configure options shouldn't have changed from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3.
> The spec file for my RPMs has changed only very minimally.  In any case,
> you can download

I found out the problem was due to my hacking the RPM spec file, and
botching up the locations of the files.  This was due to my not being able
to prevent htdig from storing files in /usr/common and /usr/conf, which
previously didn't exist, and is completely unconventional.  How can I
change this?

>       http://www.htdig.org/files/binaries/htdig-3.1.3-1glibc21.i386.rpm

Thanks, that will help greatly, but hopefully has /etc/htdig as it's
configuration directory, and not /usr/conf...


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