On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Jim Cole wrote:

> Is it true that doc->ModTime() and ref->DocTime() will always be
> the same if the server is not returning a Last-Modified header? And
> thus deciding that the document has not changed?

I'd have to carefully follow the code there, but it's at least true most
of the time.

I put the "retrieved but not changed" case in because it seemed that
servers would often ignore the If-Modified-Since header in the request and
send the document anyway, but *would* include a Last-Modified header.

> If so, should modification_time_is_now: true fix this problem?

Probably. There were some problems with the implementation of that
attribute and I think we fixed it in 3.1.3. It's definitely correct in 3.2
(which has true as the default.)

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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