
I used the current option to build the database
for my site :
htdig -v -c /usr/local/htdig/conf/htdig.conf -sivvv -h 50

And I just got this result for all my links :

word: Cliquez@571
Tag: a href=https://dooz/mail/>, matched 2
A tag: pos = 2, position = =https://dooz/mail/>
word: ici@619
Tag: /a>, matched 3
href: https://dooz/mail/ (ici)

   Rejected: Not an http or relative link!
url rejected: (level 1)https://dooz/mail/
word: pour@631
word: tester@638

Is it because of the protocol https
or have i misconfigured something ?

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"Si ca se mange pas,
 Si ca se baise pas,
 Pisse dessus !!"

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