Gilles Detillieux wrote:

> In general, variables with names in capitals are template variables,
> explained in, while variables
> with names in lower case are configuration attributes, explained in
>, and settable in htdig.conf.  Template
> variables are not settable

I'm a difficult character I guess! And often puzzled. At this moment I'm
puzzled by variables (sic) I can't set. If I can't set them, why tell me
about them? Why trouble innocent minds?

> By the way, I'm sorry you felt like we beat you up on the whole db.docdb
> zapping program issue.

No problem. What I was alluding to about being beaten up (and I wasn't
the slightest bit upset because I deserved it) was not knowing where the
mailing list archives were. As far as the French accents stuff is
concerned, I thought I won that one. :)
Bernard T. Higonnet
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