I have recently installed Ht://dig for test purposes on the Cranfield
University web server.  If all goes according to plan, it shall go
live very soon.

There is one feature that is neccessary, that I have not yet been able
to implement.....
Being a university, we have many different departments and schools
publishing pages on our server.  These various schools all adopt their
own looks when it comes to web design, and I would like to keep these
looks on the results pages from htdig.

I have seen how to customise the results pages, but what about being
able to  specify customised results pages on a per-form basis.

E.G. Our Computing department would like to have a search page which
produces results in their own style, not that of the university.

Is this possible

Many Thanks
Jason Carvalho
Web Analyst
Cranfield University

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