Don't like to butt in here but all this discussion is
highly relevant to being able to index  XML documents with
the weights being linked to the element containing them.

Have you seen the announcement     that
is about
to develop  XML tools for the Apache type license?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gilles Detillieux [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 10:17 PM
> Subject:      Re: [htdig] keywords_meta_tag_names query...
> According to Philip Coates:
> >  Since I have been asked whether this is possible by the client, I
> thought
> > I'd better confirm the following:
> > 
> > As far as I am aware ht://Dig cannot distinguish between keyword tags
> named
> > in "keywords_meta_tag_names" for its searching. For example, if we were
> to
> > have:
> > 
> > <META local-keywords="blah blah blah">
> > <META name-keywords="blah blab blah">
> > <META title-keywords="blib blob blub">
> That's not quite right.  The following obsolete meta tags are recognized
> by htdig, regardless of what keywords_meta_tag_names is set to:
> <META htdig-keywords="blah blah blah">
> <META keywords="blah blah blah">
> The preferred form is
> <META name="foo" content=blah blah blah">
> where "foo" is any name listed in keywords_meta_tag_names.
> > ht://Dig, if it was configured with all the above
> keywords_meta_tag_names
> > would search all of them and not be able to distinguish between what it
> > found.
> Yes, that's correct.  Regardless of which form you use, of the three
> forms I've mentioned above, and regardless of the name that you use from
> the keywords_meta_tag_names list, the words are all indexed using the
> weight defined by keywords_factor.
> > Am I correct in this assumption? Is this something that will be looked
> at in
> > later releases (it would be a useful feature)?
> I think this would be a very useful feature as well.  In the 3.2
> development code, words in the index are tagged with a code that indicates
> where the word was found (i.e. text, title, heading, keywords, etc.),
> so that weights can be reassigned dynamically at search time, without
> needing to reindex.  However, there is still just one tag for keywords.
> It would be very useful if there were a number of user-definable tags for
> words, for which you could assign different weights.  A number of users
> had expressed interest in being able to index Dublin Core tags for author,
> subject, etc., and limit searches to these tags, so I think there's enough
> demand to warrant this.  All we need now is a volunteer to implement it.
> -- 
> Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:
> Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Phone:  (204)789-3766
> Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)   Fax:    (204)789-3930
> ------------------------------------
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