At 1:22 PM +1300 11/15/99, Jason Haar wrote:
>From: "ht://Dig Notification Service" <xxx@yyy>
>This occurs in another spot too - where sendmail is called with the "-F"
>option to set fullname. Calling it as "-F '"ht://Dig Notification Service"'"
>would fix that too I suppose...

The first of this is a good point. As for the second, I'm pretty sure 
that's how sendmail is called:

     String     command = SENDMAIL;
     command << " -t -F \"ht://Dig Notification Service\" -f \"";
     command << config["htnotify_sender"] << '"';

This should generate:

sendmail -t -F "ht://Dig Notification Service" -f "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

As for the first buglet, here's a short patch (it's made to 
3.2.0-dev, but should apply OK to 3.1.x).

Index: htdig3/htnotify/
RCS file: /opt/htdig/cvs/htdig3/htnotify/,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -c -3 -r1.23
*** htdig3/htnotify/ 1999/09/10 16:34:31     1.23
--- htdig3/htnotify/ 1999/11/15 04:53:22
*** 253,259 ****
         if (!subject || !*subject)
        subject = "page expired";
         String out;
!       out << "From: ht://Dig Notification Service <"
          << config["htnotify_sender"] << ">\n";
         out << "Subject: WWW notification: " << subject << '\n';
         out << "To: " << to.get() << '\n';
--- 253,259 ----
         if (!subject || !*subject)
        subject = "page expired";
         String out;
!       out << "From: \"ht://Dig Notification Service\" <"
          << config["htnotify_sender"] << ">\n";
         out << "Subject: WWW notification: " << subject << '\n';
         out << "To: " << to.get() << '\n';

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