At 7:37 PM +0000 11/19/99, Tony Woodcock wrote:
>   Hi, I just installed Ht://Dig on a Linux operating system, and I 
>also ran the rundig script, but I have one problem.  When I use the 
>search form to search the files I indexed in the rundig script, I 
>basically receive the program htsearch itself with a bunch of 
>squares in between much of the coding.

First off, try running htsearch from the command-line. If this works, 
then it's just a problem with your server configuration (i.e. it's 
not running htsearch as a CGI program).

If htsearch doesn't work, then you can either re-compile the source, 
or depending on what distribution you're using, you can grab a 
pre-compiled .rpm or .deb package.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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