> Is it possible to reduce the importance of certain pages?  We have
> some pages on our site that are directories and contain thousands of
> entries.  As a result they always seem to come up as top results
> whenever we search for anything.  I don't really want to remove these
> pages from a search but I would like them tol appear lower down the
> list.  Is this at all possible (perhaps by using negative weighting or
> similar?)?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> --------------------------
> Jason Carvalho
> Web Analyst
> Cranfield University

You could increase the weighting of other pages by encouraging
the use of

<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="...list of keywords...">


<META NAME="description" CONTENT="...relevent text...">

in their headers.  On our site we have increased the weighting
of keywords to 200.

You might consider not indexing the directory pages atall by placing

<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex">

in their headers.  Links in them will still be followed, but htdig
will not index the words in them.

David J Adams
Computing Services
University of Southampton

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