How about a PERL admin tool that supports both CGI and Tk from the same
code-base?  I'm willing to write it.

I had a similar idea a couple of nights ago.  I even had a great name for
it:  ConfigDig
(And we all know you have to have a cool name before you can even think of
starting to code... ;-)

By the way, I'm neck deep in the PERL-htsearch interface as we speak (you
might remember I was the one who was so gung-ho about creating one), but if
I can just get all these damn dependencies worked out, I think I can get it
to compile!


-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Hutchison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 11:39 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; htdig3-dev
Subject: [htdig3-dev] Re: Request for a CGI-based admin interface


One of the complaints I hear periodically is that ht://Dig is a bit 
difficult to administer. I've heard more than one person say that 
they'd think about writing something to do this, probably web/CGI 
based. However, the closest thing that I've seen are modified 
"rundig" scripts, including my multidig scripts.

OK, time to put our money where our mouths are. :-)

I was poking around the various open-source development bazaars just 
now and I saw two offers for htdig on, one for a SQL 
backend and one for using ht://Dig to index KDevelop.

I'll make an additional entry. I'll pony up $75 to see someone write 
a useful admin interface for ht://Dig. Minimally, it would be 
web-based (preferably in perl), let you handle multiple databases, 
add URLs to a database, set a few minimal attributes like 
exclude_urls, and mail you when indexing is done with a nice summary 

I'll be writing up a slightly more detailed description shortly. I'll 
also include links to all three offers in the "Recent News" section 
on <>

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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