I just finished running an extremely large indexing process with htdig.  It
had about 5 documents left to index, and it ran out of hard drive space.  I
then moved the entire htdig database do a different logical device and
continued running htdig from where it left off (using the command "htdig -vc
../conf/mystuff.conf").  I then ran htmerge and tested out a couple
My searches seem to only find documents from the latest 5 that I added?!
The database itself is still huge so I've got to believe that the rest of
them are in there somewhere.  As long as I don't use the -i switch with
htdig, don't I keep all the old stuff that's in the database?  If so, why
doesn't my search find any of them?
It takes about 3 days to finish indexing on everything so I would really
like to avoid starting over if at all possible.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Keith Humpf
IIT Research Institute
201 Mill Street
Rome, NY 13440 

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