Thanks for the info.

I know that this can be overcome by structuring the HTML correctly.

But we are indexing 10 servers with close to 200 virtual hosts plus a
dozen or so external servers we don't administer.  We have no way to
force the 100's of people/organizations that publish content to do
this.  I am looking at this from a server admin point of view rather
than content publishing.



Torsten Neuer wrote:
> Glenn Nielsen wrote:
> >
> > Configuring a single SGML tag for noindex_start and noindex_end works.
> > But I have not been able to find a way to get multiple tags to work.
> > I would like to configure HtDig so that it ignores content inside
> > both <SCRIPT> and the default <!--htdig_noindex--> SGML tags.
> Currently, there is no way to achieve this.  However, you should
> have all of the stuff inside your <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> tags commented
> out with SGML comment tags as well.  This is a standard technique
> to hide <SCRIPT>s from browsers which cannot interprete the client
> side scripting language used.  It will also turn off indexing for
> every other spider, not only Ht://Dig...  Perhaps the example for
> noindex_start/noindex_end given by the Ht://Dig manual isn´t the
> best choice ;-)
> Another thing to try for you might be to use external scripts (i.e.
> make use of the SRC attribute of the <SCRIPT> tag, which is ignored
> by any indexer I know of).  This will also allow your documents to
> share common scripts (and thus speed up your site a little).
> hth,
>   Torsten
> --
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