According to Bigler, Tyson MT SSI:
> Is it possible to log URLs which are not indexed?  The -vv flag will show
> level 1 & level 2 rejects due to explicit exceptions, but I'm interested in
> knowing which URLs were seen but not indexed because they weren't
> "parsable".  Is this easily done?

In the 3.1.x series, the message is a bit misleading.  With the -v flag,
htdig will report "not HTML" for any document it cannot parse.  In 3.2.x,
this message is changed to the more general "not Parsable".

Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:
Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Phone:  (204)789-3766
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)   Fax:    (204)789-3930

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