Hi all,

I have been using htdig for quite a while on our site and it works
pretty well for us.

Recently I wanted to change the setup a bit so that it uses the local
file system rather than hitting our http-server for local pages. And I
think I have a few problems with it.

The setup is this:

All the pages are in the directory /http/userpages/johndoe/
These pages can be called with: http://www.myserver.de/homepages/johndoe

In order to index the pages I have created a small html-file with all
the links to the pages in it and have set

This works fine, however, htdig does not find the appropriate
index-pages locally and thus falls back to http-retrieval.

Then I wanted to force htdig to fetch the pages locally and have set:
local_default_doc:      welcome.htm index.html
local_urls_only:        true

But with this setting htdig does not index anything.
The only way it works is when my start-document (the script-generated
index-page) contains the entire path including welcome.htm or

That looks to me like the setting 'local_default_doc' is not working. (I
have upgraded to version 3.1.5)

Has anyone else problems with this setting or is there something I might
have missed in the docs?

Any pointers to the solution would be welcome.



Wilfried Geis
ITM Research GmbH

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