On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Croom wrote:

> Is it possible to prompt for multiple keywords in a HTML search form,
> i.e. Lease Name, Lease Number, County, etc. & have the input from the
> forms be concatenated together to form a search string which would
> narrow down the search results?

Do an onsubmit javascript call to a function that concatenates the words
together into a hidden form field named 'words'.  I don't think there
should be any problem sending htdig extra form fields (from the
dropdown/text fields you named)... if so, just have the javascript remove
the values before submit.

This would, of course, require the client to be running javascript...

I would make sample code, but am preoccupied at the moment.

Mike Giles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       ICQ: 65152812
Systems Administrator           Livewire Incorporated
http://www.lw.net/              (352) 373-7090

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