On Wed, 24 May 2000, Darrell Berry wrote:

> i've registered an external parser to handle .mov files (video/quicktime)
> but htdig doesnt even get to trying...instead, the video files dont even
> show up in the logging output unless i go to -vvv, in which case i get
> output similar to:
> Rejected: Extension is invalid!
> url rejected: (level 1
> http://www.ehhcl.com~moo/content/clusters/darrellb/documents/Fear_1601.mov

you still have .mov in "bad_extensions:" in your htdig.conf.


from the dhammapada:
  The good are conspicuous a long way off, like a Himalayan peak, while
  the bad are just not noticed, like arrows shot into the dark. 304

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