>> not *totally* BBEdit's fault -- but I thought it was supposed to be
>> a text-only editor (I don't know much about it, obviously), so I would
>> have thought that it would strip out gunk like that, anyway -- even if
>> it was in the file it started with.
>I haven't used BBEdit too much, but I do know that it sticks to the policy
>of "leave it alone if possible." My preferred editor on the Mac (Alpha),
>does this as well. So nulls won't automatically be stripped.
>Out of curiousity, how does it show in browsers? This may be one of those
>"real world" issues where the HTML parser just needs to be more liberal.

I'd call it a stretch to say that this is BBEdit's 'fault'. In fact, within
BBEdit  there is a 'zap gremlins' command which will remove null and
(all or selected) 8-bit characters.

I will agree that the condition is maddening, and as I recall, IE and Navigator
browsers handle the nulls differently: IE seems to be immune, but NS
(at least the 3.x versions) can produce some really screwey display 

In every case that I've encountered this problem, the originating document 
has been in MS Word format.

(There's an imperative suggested here, but I'd never mention it. <G>)

Matt Daly

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