According to "NEPOTE Charles (Neuilly Gestion)":
> Joe R. Jah wrote to Gilles Detillieux:
> > P.S. There are already over 18 patches for 3.1.5; any interest in
> >      releasing a 3.1.6?
> Yes, yes, yes !
> If you want to, I will try to make htdig-3.1.6-0mandrake.i586.rpm (at least
> I will test it).
> Would you add also export LC_ALL=C to the rundig script to prevent many
> users from the sort problem of accented words ?
> [oh please, come on Geoff, come on Gilles ;-)].

No, no, no!  If I have the time in the next two weeks, or in early July,
I may put together a new 3.1.5 RPM that has some of the better patches
in it, and you can rebuild that on Mandrake to add to our collection.
(Note that none of those patches included documentation updates to
describe the added features, so none are "release-ready".)  If I'm
really bored, I may even include rundig and max_page_buttons patches.

> If 3.2 release will take many month as Geoff said, why not built a new
> version based on 3.1.5. (Just think about newbies as I am, not familiar with
> patch operations...).

Because the more time we waste on 3.1.x, the less time we have to work
on 3.2.  I don't want to make 3.1 seem a more attractive option than
3.2, and discourage potential beta testers.  Getting good, solid, and
documented features in 3.2 should be our priority, otherwise we'll just
keep pushing back the release date.

Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:
Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Phone:  (204)789-3766
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)   Fax:    (204)789-3930

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