I need to--from a Perl Script--send out exactly the same byte stream which a 
browser would send.  Intent being to invoke execution of a cgi script on the 
server, and cause the output to be returned to the invoking Perl script.  

It "has to" be similar to the to the following code, which I am currently 
using to invoke htsearch from within a perl script.  (with a fairly minor 
variation in the value of $callstr).  

If anyone has an idea (or a working example), please advise. 
(Most of my testing, to date, returns "nothing" from the open/read 
combination, without any Perl error indication). 


print DNERR $callste    ;
$callstr = "./htsearch.cgi" . "|";
$ENV{QUERY_STRING}= $callste;

open (SOURCE,$callstr);
@lines = <SOURCE>;

Steven P Haver/602-242-9708

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