According to "NEPOTE Charles (Neuilly Gestion)":
> According to Gilles Detillieux:
> > According to "NEPOTE Charles (Neuilly Gestion)":
> > > Finally, I tried to apply Accents.5 patch for 3.1.5.
> > ...
> > > 4. Download and apply the patch :
> > >
> > > copy and paste the text in a file call
> > "/root/htdig-3.1.5/accent5.txt"
> >
> > Don't do this!  I'll bet that whatever editor you used mangled all the
> > tab characters in the file.  Just feed a clean, untouched
> > copy of accents.5
> > directly to the patch command.  It's smart enough to skip
> > over the extra
> > text at the start.
> It worked ! Thanks a lot...
> I think it has been discuss before (I can't find it), but searching "tué"
> finds "tué or tuer or tués or tuée or tuées or tue" but not "tues", "tuee"
> and "tuees".
> And I saw the problem is the same in 3.2.0b2.
> Any chance to solve this ?

The problem is that the fuzzy match algorithms are only applied to the
original search words, and not to the results of other fuzzy matches.
I think this makes sense for some of the algorithms, such as regex,
prefix and substring, but for algorithms like endings, synonyms, accents,
and perhaps speling, it would be nice to have the option of chaining
them to get more variations.

Whether we can solve this will depend on whether someone with enough
understanding of the way fuzzy matches are expanded can find the time
to implement this.  In any case, it should go on the TODO list.

Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:
Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Phone:  (204)789-3766
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)   Fax:    (204)789-3930

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