According to Mark Sullivan:
> I have htdig running on two servers (wwwI and wwwII)I am trying to
> reindex my websites using the server_alias: attribute so the results
> come back as www. 
> So under the start_url: attribute i have:
> server_aliases: 
> Where am I fouling this up?

If you're running 3.1.4 or later, this should do the job.  For older
versions, you needed to append the ":80" port number to each domain

Note that this mapping is done before the documents are fetched, so
any www1 URL will be fetched from www.  If you want to rewrite URLs
after fetching, see

Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:
Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Phone:  (204)789-3766
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)   Fax:    (204)789-3930

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