
On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Ravindra Wankar wrote:

> b) The htsearch results need to be parsed (e.g. fetch product warranty
> based on product id) and then formatted before the user sees it.
> e.g. a product sheet could be
> <product>
>     <id = ".....">
>     <name = "....">
>     <description = ".....">
> </product>
> If I index data like this, is there a way to get the "product id" field
> when a product matches a search criteria?

I am working with a programmer on a site and we discussed doing this in
ASP. You are talking about grabbing the data from another table cell from
the page that yeilded a hit. I see maybe two ways to do this -- hack the
htsearch code for your specific needs, or get the returned URL, source the
page and parse that with ASP (or something) before returning the final
result to the client.

Maybe Geoff has already been thinking about this. But it would be great if
it was customizable. In particular, I need to rank the returned results in
this order:

1) matches (based on method, and all that)
2) URLs

I would like to be able to provide the name of a text file (a list of URLs
of our important affiliate sites) as a CGI option, and have the search
results be ranked by putting those URLs at the top, and include graphic
images next to the result based on the URL they're from. Perhaps a tall
order, but I'm wondering if this has been considered or is being worked on
by anyone out there.


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