On Mon, 5 Jun 2000, Martin, ITS PersWi E530, H wrote:

> if i use htmerge with WinNt i get the message:
>  "Word sort failed"
> whats going wrong?
> the environment-variable "TMPDIR" i have a about 3.5 GB free space.

Well, the amount of free space doesn't mean much if you have 100GB of data
you're sorting. :-)

More seriously, there are any number of possibilities. First off, I'd make
sure you have a sort program installed--probably /bin/sort or

Then I'd check up on htmerge. I'm assuming this message isn't just coming
back immediately. So I'd make sure it's actually putting files into TMPDIR
and that you don't seem to be running out of space. If it's coming back
immediately, it may also be a permission problem.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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