On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Marcel Hicking wrote:

> Is there any chance to have htsearch run reniced
> to minus something? I pretty often have 5 or more
> htsearch threads running at the same time, and 
> since the machine is already very busy with at 
> about 200-300 http and ftp connects, this pushes 
> the load well over the limit.
> Marcel

man nice

and then do something like:

nice <nice_value> rundig

rundig starts htdig et al. and these will run with the
same priority.

J. op den Brouw                           Johanna Westerdijkplein 75
Haagse Hogeschool                                  2521 EN  DEN HAAG
Faculty of Engeneering                                   Netherlands
Electrical Engeneering                                +31 70 4458936
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Linux - because reboots are for hardware changes

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