I'm using htdig to index about 140,000 documents.  The dig went fine, and
the merge went fine too... but now when I try to execute the search, I get
a "reference count overflow" error:

./htsearch -c ../conf/forums.conf

Enter value for words: test
DB2 problem...: /web/search/db/forums//db.words.db: page 0: reference 
count overflow
DB2 problem...: /web/search/db/forums//db.words.db: page 0: reference 
count overflow
DB2 problem...: /web/search/db/forums//db.words.db: page 0: reference
count overflow
DB2 problem...: /web/search/db/forums//db.words.db: page 0: reference
count overflow
DB2 problem...: /web/search/db/forums//db.words.db: page 0: reference
count overflow
DB2 problem...: /web/search/db/forums//db.words.db: page 0: reference
count overflow
DB2 problem...: /web/search/db/forums//db.words.db: page 0: reference
count overflow
Enter value for format:
Content-type: text/html

Is this just too many docs for htdig to handle? I searched the archives
and found someone else with the same problem, but I didn't see any

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