At 3:12 PM -0700 6/15/00, Stephen L Arnold wrote:
>I have two select tags (one for task and one for doc_type) that use 
>the Restrict parameter to HtSearch, with the default selection "all" 
>for both.  However, when I select a specific task and a specific 
>doc_type, HtSearch never sees the task selection, but does see the 
>doc_type selection (I guess it only sees the last value of Restrict).

Actually as you've described your search form, it's probably using a 
restrict to one OR the other. But it's a little hard to be sure 
without seeing the form (and knowing that you're using a recent 
version of ht://Dig).

>Is there some way to combine the values from both Select tags and 
>pass them as a single value to Restrict?  If not, would I actually 
>have to try and mod the code?  I can do Ada, Fortran, and a little 
>C, but I'd rather not try and mess with any C++ code...

Probably the easiest way to do this is either with a small shell or 
Perl wrapper or using JavaScript in the page itself. If I understand 
you correctly, you want:


=> &restrict=task1/doc_type2

Since this is site-specific, it's probably easiest to have the 
wrapper go through and "edit" the query on-the-fly before it passes 
it off to htsearch.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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