On Fri, 16 Jun 2000, C. Nishimura wrote:

> I have not been able to find information about what strings are
> supported in the search query.  Would you please let me know what is and
> is not supported by htsearch?

Just about anything. ;-) In a very real sense, I'm not kidding.

You way want to tweak the defaults depending on what you wish to search.
For example, the allow_numbers attribute allows numbers to be indexed (and
searched) and the extra_word_characters attribute allows you to add in
hyphens or other characters as well: 

As far as types of queries, right now htsearch will not support
restricting searches to specific areas of documents and in the production
version, it will not support phrase searches.

But it does have a wide variety of fuzzy algorithms which can come in
handy for misspellings, sounds-like queries, etc.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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