
<!-- The engine searched with the following construct: $(LOGICAL_WORDS)

Put above into your header and you will see the expanded search words
and used by htdig. So if you search with doc* you should see somthing

doc* or docs or document or docent


Alexei B.Kozlov wrote:
> Howdy all!
> Does prefix search works in htdig 3.1.0b1 ? Please, tell me, where I
> made
> a mistake? My configuration file contains:
> --- Cut ---
> search_algorithm: exact:1 endings:1 prefix:0.5
> max_prefix_matches: 500
> minimum_prefix_lenght: 3
> --- Cut ---
> Do I need to run htfuzzy with specific parametrs for prefix method?
> --
> ------------------------------------------
> Guitars, Cadillacs and hillbilly music
> Is the only thing that keeps me hanging on
>            Alexei B.Kozlov
> E-mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> FIDO:       2:5038/7.10
> WWW:        http://www.karelia.ru
> ICQ:        6052866
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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