> but shows no result! It only tells me, that it has nothing found! :o(
> in $(words) I can see still the searchstring but $(logical_words) stays
> empty! How can I trace the error? I have no Idea how I can locate it! 

The easiest way to debug htsearch is to run it from the command line. It
will prompt you for any needed values (e.g. words) and then output the
HTML. Running "htsearch -v" will add some debugging information that might
be useful.

> By the time: what is the right mode for uploading the db-files? I used
> bin and ascii, but none of them make htsearch working!

Generally you cannot transfer db files from one OS/chip to another. If you
have two computers running the same OS and chip, you should be set. There
are exceptions where you can transfer the db files across OSes, etc, but I
wouldn't count on it.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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