> >What workaround is there? Unfortunately most of the site is linked from
> >products.htm
> Why is there a link to PRODUCTS.HTM if the server will return a 404? Can
> you take out that link? [Geoff ]

I can't - its a very big company, and every modification takes time.

They did not know about the mistake until htdig found out (so thanks for
that feature ;-)

The link is only a small part of the complete link, it is the "P" from a
link called "Products and Services", unfortunately the "P" has the link to
"PRODUCTS.HTM" that affects the whole indexing process.

Anyway, they are going to fix it someday, I just asked about a workaround
because we have a presentation tomorrow, and as I said, the main part of
that site could not be indexed because of this small error.

Now I just have to use keywords that HAVE been indexed for the presentation
and nobody will notice...


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