At 10:40 AM +0100 10/3/00, Adam Rice wrote:
>Geoff Hutchison wrote:
>  > > Second question -- can I use such a database from my own Perl script?
>  >
>  > Can you use a Berkeley DB? Sure, use the DBI interface--it should be part
>  > of your Perl 5 installation.
>No. Well, maybe there's a DBI driver that works with Berkeley DB, but I
>recommend using the DB_File module instead.
>use DB_File;
>tie %something, "DB_File", "a_file_on_disk.db";
>that's all the code you need to make the %something hash be stored on
>disk using Berkeley DB. There are some restrictions compared to a normal
>Perl hash, and some more clever stuff you can do, see the DB_File
>manpage for details. AFAIK, a complete Perl installation on most modern
>Linux systems will include the DB_File module, otherwise you will have
>to mess around getting it from CPAN.

Yes, I misspoke. I meant to say DB_File, not DBI. Thanks for correcting me.


-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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