
> At 10:06 AM +0200 10/3/00, Martin Mielke wrote:
> >Error (0): PDF file is damaged - attempting to reconstruct 
> xref table...
> >Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary
> >Error: Couldn't read xref table
> >Error (0): PDF file is damaged - attempting to reconstruct 
> xref table...
> >Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary
> >Error: Couldn't read xref table
> >Error (139803): Bad colorspace
> There are a few possibilities. One is that your max_doc_size 
> attribute is too small for your PDF files and so they're being 
> truncated.
> <http://www.htdig.org/attrs.html#max_doc_size>

the max_doc_size is greater than the biggest PDF file actually

> The other possibility, as the messages say, is that one or more of 
> your PDF files is actually damaged. In that case, the best thing to 
> do is to run htdig with more debugging turned on and send both STDOUT 
> and STDERR to a file to peruse. Obviously the files reported just 
> before this output would be ones to check.

All PDFs are readable or, at least, Acrobat Reader 4.x doesn't complain ...

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