On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Frances Santiago wrote:

> # CiScope is the directory (virtual or real) under which results are
> # returned.  If a file matches the query but is not in a directory beneath
> # CiScope, it is not returned in the result set.
> # A scope of / means all hits matching the query are returned.
> How I understand it is that if I have a search page under http://foo.com/x
> the search will return hits in the files recursively from x - not the files
> from http://foo.com. Can htdig do this without using a different config
> file and db for each? 

I would read the IIS documentation the same way.

Yes, you can do this (and more) using just the search form to ht://Dig. To
mirror the IIS behaviour, you'd want the "restrict" field.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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