It looks like a neverending story for you.......

In einer eMail vom 03.10.00 20:18:27 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit schreibt 

> From what I can glean, there are 2 ways to get this.
>  Either by putting an echo command into the html files (SSI),

Wich echo command? The ssi code that i send to you? Thats was always a test 
if the internal ssi handler activatd for *.html or not.

  or by setting xbithack=full and setting the executable bits on for group and
>  user.
>  Neither approach is good for us.  We have many static html pages, and many
>  more being created every day.
>  It's not feasible for us to put the extra code into each html file, or to
>  change the x bit on each file as well.

The xbithack can you set in your httpd.conf and a little shell script startet 
via cron can made the changes before htdig starts digging. Another way is to 
change the umask vor people you can publish html documents.....

>  It seems like a pretty simple request, and yet we can't find any answer in
>  the apache docs or htdig.
>  It seems to be more of an apache issue, but its my HTdig that needs the
>  info!

I think the hole world is now interessting to see your httpd.conf :)

The ssi handler is configurated via the AddHandler/Addtype directive wich is 
setting in your mainserver configfile, virtual host, .htaccess!
It is possible thats all your static parsed thru an external parser like the 
cgi php ?
Is htdig runing at the same machine as the webserver you would like to 
indexing? When not is there a proxyserver between htdig and the webserver?

Questions over questions...

Joerg Behrens

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