Wayne Larmon wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Geoff Hutchison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 4:01 PM
> > To: Wayne Larmon
> > Cc: htdig List
> > Subject: RE: [htdig] Distributions (was Red Hat 7.0 RPMS?)
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Wayne Larmon wrote:
> >
> > > Is it possible for the ht://Dig team to work with the 
> > > major distribution producers, like Red Hat and Mandrake,
> > > so that ht://Dig would be included on
> > > the distribution CD?   I'm always disappointed when I don't
> > > find ht://Dig on the distribution CD.
> >
> > That's pretty much out of our hands. As I understand it, 
> > SuSE and Debian
> > include it in all distributions, and I believe a few 
> > smaller ones do as well.
> >
> > I would assume "significant customer demand" would probably 
> > convince other
> > distributions to consider such things. Remember CDs are a 
> > fixed size, so
> > even a small package like ht://Dig has to take the place of 
> > something else.
> Hmm.  I just did a little research.  I see that Red Hat 
> *does* distribute
> ht://Dig, but on their "Power Tools" CD which "is included only in the
> Deluxe Workstation and Professional Server products."  (Or 
> can be downloaded
> from a mirror site as an ISO image.)  It isn't on the first 
> two install CDs,
> which is what you get with the basic $29.95 retail version of 
> Red Hat.  (I
> installed from CDs that were burned from downloaded ISO 
> images of the first
> two install CDs.  I haven't downloaded the "Power Tools" ISO 
> yet, because
> the Red Hat mirrors are still sluggish.)
> http://www.redhat.com/products/software/linux/pl_rhl7_powertools.html
> I also noted that Mandrake apparently uses ht://Dig as the 
> search engine on
> the Linux-Mandrake site, (http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/) 
> and that this
> (http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/contribs71/htdig-3.1.5-2mdk.i586.html)
> seems to indicate that ht://Dig *is* distributed with Mandrake 7.1.  But I
> just checked my two Mandrake 7.1 install CDs (that were burned from
> downloaded ISO images) and couldn't find it.  Maybe it is on one of the
> extra CDs that you get when you buy the retail version of Mandrake.

> Wayne Larmon

Right, ht://Dig 3.1.5 is provided for Linux Mandrake 7.1 as a "contrib".
But it won't be nice for your Redhat 7.0 as they changed :
-- /usr/doc to /usr/share/doc
-- /home/httpd/html to /var/www/...
and so on.

Next version of Linux Mandrake (7.2) which is in progress (will be out
in about a month) will provided a rpm package compatible with Redhat 7.0
filesystem hierarchy. You can find the RPM right now at :
This rpm is 3.1.5 patched whith the accent patch.
I myself posted many messages in Linux Mandrake developpment list to
have ht://dig included in the distrubution. In Linux Mandrake 7.2
ht://Dig will be installed with the default install mode ; this have
been possible arguing that ht://Dig is necessary to KDE 2.0 to provide a
search engine for its documentation (just try the search pannel in the
help system in KDE 2.0 : it's great !).

Charles Népote.

PS : I am still thinking that htdig group may provide a 3.1.6 version
with accent patch and international stuff as :
-- ad minima : change the /opt/www/htdig/common to
/opt/www/htdig/english : that will let users decide to create
/opt/www/htdig/french if they want it ;
-- ad minima : change /opt/www/htdocs/htdig/search.html to
/opt/www/htdocs/htdig/english/search.html ;
-- options : suppress hard coded english pages to use .html (and join
search.html in the same directory as headers and footers and so on) ;
-- options : add french and german versions of html file, which are
ready (like other languages I guess).
-- options : conform to the Linux Standard Base.

(I know I can to all this things by hand...)
I know the htdig group is working on such subjects for next release (I
saw the works of Sanga), but may 3.1.5 should already have those changes
with a little work to do ?...

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