I tried to do htsearch, using the following .conf file:

site_id:        10009
include:        /www/vhosts/a/autosearchusa.com/htdig3.2b2/conf/cv_00000.conf
database_dir:             /www/vhosts/a/autosearchusa.com/htdocs/www/u-wrk
database_base:          ${database_dir}/dt_${site_id}

Point of interest is that, within the included file, values of 
database_dir/base were
database_dir:           /www/vhosts/a/autosearchusa.com/htdocs/www/u-dvl/
# this way for htdig
database_base:          ${database_dir}/dt_${site_id}
Wanted data was in the " . . . u-wrk . . " node.  

Initial search found wanted data.  Second search (for 11th, etc, result), 
however, tried to obtain data from the "u-dvl" (and failed due to not there). 

Changed "u-dvl" to u-wrk, in the included file, and all worked as intended 
(did, btw, verify that SAME config file was being used at all points).

Seems as if override of database_base should either happen, or not happen, 

Steven P Haver/602-242-9708

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