On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, David Gewirtz wrote:

> In any case, I couldn't telnet into the Linux box, couldn't run my KDE 
> console, nada.
> I've never seen Linux hang like that before. Almost makes me wish for NT.

I have only rarely seen a server dead enough that it wouldn't accept
outside connections (e.g. telnet or ssh).

> But the net of it is this: is htdig liable to do this? Can I count on using 
> htdig in a production environment or do I need to go back to square one? 
> What's your experience? Advice?

You can certainly count on using 3.1.5 in a production environment--I have
never seen or heard reports of this sort of behavior.

So my first question would be "how long have you had this server running?"

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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