At 11:33 AM -0800 12/14/00, Huynh, Andy wrote:
>Read 5788 from document
>Read a total of 5788 bytes
>  retrieved but not changed
>pick: localhost, # servers = 1
>I was able to run htdig on IIS but having no luck with Weblogic.  Any
>comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure what you mean. The "retrieved but not changed" message 
is saying that it has a document that is the same age or newer than 
the Last-modified date it received from the server. So it assumes 
that the site hasn't changed.

In general if you're going to make drastic changes to the server, 
it's a good idea to either reindex from scratch or to update the 
timestamps on the web files. (The latter is good because it clears 
caching servers elsewhere.)

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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