I wonder how the search engine works. Is it possible to truncate words
(e.g.techn*), and how then?
Can you search only for endings of words, like (e.g. *echnical)? And how do
you search with 
boolean expressions? How do you combine boolean expressions? We are using ht
dig in
The Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA, in swedish called
and I´m about to write a manual for the search engine so the visitors to our
website can use it.
Thank you very much, and I am looking forward to some answers now.
Good bye from:

Anders Strömberg
Vägverket HK
Avdelning Vägutformning och trafik
Kontoret för vägutformning
781 87  BORLÄNGE
Tel. nr. 0243-753 01, Fax nr. 0243-758 34

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