We have a site (www.9monate.de) which is completely database driven. There 
are lots of pages (about 150.000) which are constructed from database 

Two questions about this:

1) How does htDig recognize that a document has changed? By a meta tag? By 
its content? By a header? What information do I have to send so that htDig 
knows the document's time?

2) Can I feed the database content directly to htDig? I know all relevant 
content and the URLs for it. As of know, I have to insert lots of 
"<!--htdig_noindex-->" tags to avoid htdig indexing irrelevant content (e.g. 
navigation items). And I have to configure quite a few Do's and Dont's in the 
URL lines. Life would be a lot easier if I could avoid using the HTML 
interface and convert my database directly to suit as htDig input. Can I do 

Thank you for your answers.

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